Following the Tigers’ 4-2 start, there have been negative things said by fans on social media. There have been supportive things said too, but the negative things tend to stand out.
Swinney has seen and heard quite a bit of the negative things, and he spoke out about them Monday.
"“We’re at a point in our time, and I hate that, where people — if you don’t go undefeated — people say you’re losers. That you’re terrible, and it’s such a terrible mindset. And honestly, maybe we need to lose a few games and lighten up the bandwagon. Sometimes the bandwagon can get a little too full. That’s the one good thing about going through a little so-called adversity. You really find out who’s with you and who’s not, but as far as our program, we may win every one of these games out. We could lose every one of them. We’re a really good team that can beat anybody and we’re a team that can lose to anybody, but our program is built to last.”"
Those were strong words from Coach Swinney, and they were met with some strong reactions on social media. There were plenty of fans who were upset that he called out fans. Some made comments that (paraphrased) suggested Swinney no longer has the ambition to win national championships.
I’m going to parse this one step at a time. There is some truth in what Coach Swinney said. There is also some myth. Let’s start with the perceptions many have about what constitutes a bandwagon fan.