RTR goes 'Behind Enemy Line' with Ericka Brockish of Garnet and Cocky
Ericka gives RTR an inside look into the Gamecocks' team and fanbase.
Q: In my opinion, Shane Beamer has been a net positive in Columbia. Where does the fanbase stand with him?
A: The fanbase has been a bit back and forth with Shane Beamer this season. When the Gamecocks were 3-3, they were ready to move on, but since the five-game win streak started, they have gotten behind the fourth-year head coach and truly believe he is building something great at South Carolina.
Q: We've touched on the trenches earlier, but I'd like to know a little more about how you see the matchup between South Carolina and Clemson's offensive and defensive lines shaking out.
A: I think it is going to be a battle all night long for both lines. Clemson is going to do their best to keep their guy safe, but South Carolina is thinking about the College Football Playoff and each sack gets them closer to that.
Next slide: Q&A continued