Clemson Football has played a wide variety of teams since its inception in 1896. Some of them don’t exist today. Others have declined in notoriety and playing level.
Did you know that Clemson played the Charlotte YMCA in 1897? It was only the second season of the program. The Tigers’ head coach was William M. Williams. Clemson played every game on the road that season. I wish I could tell you a bit more about the Charlotte YMCA team in 1897, such as their head coach and where they played the game. I wish I could tell you which YMCA it was because there are 22 different branches in Charlotte 126 years later.
What I can tell you is that Clemson won the game 10-0. Since that was the only meeting, we can definitively say the Tigers own the Charlotte YMCA in football.
There are some other fun examples of wins by the Tigers over teams that don’t even exist today: the Pensacola Naval Air Station, Port Royal Agricultural School, etc. There are also some noteworthy programs that have played Clemson but never known victory against the Tigers.
Here are the programs that have played, but never beaten, the Clemson Tigers in football.