Three jobs that Clemson football Offensive Coordinator Tony Elliott could be waiting to come open
The Clemson football program is likely to have Offensive Coordinator Tony Elliott around for at least another year with the news last week that he had turned down the Tennessee job offer.
While Elliott has been the subject of many coaching rumors over the past month and through the last couple of seasons, he has been extremely picky about the situations he has chosen to pursue and has ultimately elected to stay at Clemson football each time.
As we look at what the future might hold for Elliott, the truth is that it’s tough to know what he’s looking for in a head coach opening. Elliott has ties to the upstate and his first love has always been Clemson. That’s one reason that he has elected to stay every time an opportunity has been presented, at least to this point.
Here’s a look at three job openings that might be what Elliott is looking for in the future.
3. LSU
LSU won the National Championship just a little over a year ago, but there is turmoil on every corner pertaining to that program currently.
Ed Orgeron has seemingly lost control of that program and we are seeing a shift in culture for the worst developing there. If LSU has another losing season, Tiger fans aren’t going to stick around and just wait for the entire thing to blow up.
If LSU parted ways with Orgeron, it would absolutely be a job that Elliott would at least show interest to. You’re talking about one of the most passionate fan bases in the country along with top-notch facilities, fertile recruiting ground and a budget to make things happen in a big way.
Unfortunately for him, though, I’m not so sure that Elliott would be the first candidate. Though he’d at least be shown interest, you’ve got to think that Billy Napier and Joe Brady would both be candidates pursued at a higher rate than Elliott by LSU.