Lyn-J Dixon (Butler, Georgia)
Lyn-J Dixon has over a dozen offers from power-five programs such as Alabama, Georgia and Notre Dame to name a few. Clemson recently hosted Dixon for a visit, however, they have yet to offer the Peach state native.
Looking at Dixon’s list of offers it was surprising to see him rated so low. Nick Saban and his staff at Alabama place a premium on the running back position, as such they don’t just offer anybody.
Upon watching Dixon’s film it was clear to see why the Tide, and Clemson alike, came calling. Dixon has the innate ability to make people miss, whether it be in space or in a phone booth. Dixon also has deceptive speed and makes good use of the stiff arm. The only issue I saw with Dixon on tape was his upright running style, but, that did not stop him from tearing opposing defense apart.
Dixon is an explosive athlete who would be a world of fun to watch in Clemson’s up-tempo offense.
Watch Lyn-J Dixon’s highlight film here.
With Zamir White looking like a lean to Georgia, Clemson must get in on Lyn-J Dixon now as they are already behind in his recruitment as well.