Coaches Can Now Be Ejected (Rule 9-2-6)
It’s been done in other sports for years and honestly I’ve often wondered why this rule never made it to college football.
The NCAA has now brought college football in line with every other major sport in the world, where a coach can now be ejected, just like a player, if he collects two unsportsmanlike conduct fouls during a game.
A coach can scream and jump up and down and run onto the field to chase down a ref, but if he gets flagged, the next flag that’s thrown against him will cause him to have a seat elsewhere for the duration of the game.
I’m interested to see how close to the vest the officials play this new rule. Coaches scream and
throw clipboards, headsets, visors (cough cough) all the time. Will that constitute an unsportsmanlike penalty?
Or will it have to be some over-the-top egregious, display of unacceptable behavior to receive two unsportsmanlike fouls and be disqualified? Only time will tell, but at least now, some coaches will be held accountable for showing their mad face on national television.
Next: Defenders can't trip ball carriers