Let’s count down the best 5 QB’s to dawn a Clemson football uniform.
Summertime is torturous for college football fans everywhere. While we get to enjoy the lake or the pool and vacations with our family, there is a burning desire to see the toe touch the leather and get this years football season underway.
Summertime, while some recruiting news hits the front pages, it’s usually very quiet on the home-front. Which is why today I want to discuss a highly debatable subject. One that, I’m sure, I’ll get tweets saying I got it all wrong.
A debate that can be argued forever and a day.
Who are the five best quarterbacks to ever play at Clemson?
The quarterback is the most important position on the football field. He’s the field general. The QB calls all the shots.
He’s the guy that should know the playbook inside and out. He’s the guy that has to know where everyone on the entire field lines up. A QB is an extension of the coaching staff. A bad QB can turn an otherwise great team, into a mediocre team very quickly.
Here are, in my opinion the best five to ever Rub the Rock.
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